
Gin is a naturally flavoured neutral spirit. That is, the spirit begins as a largely flavorless distillation of grain (basically vodka) before being infused with a variety of botanicals and fruit.

The main ingredient, found in all gins, is the juniper berry. In fact, the word gin comes from the French genièvre and the Dutch genever.

Juniper gives gin its classic piney or resiney character (sapin de noël).

Dried juniper berries

The most common form of gin is London Dry, a category that includes Tanqueray, Bombay, and most standard bar gins.

London Dry is a somewhat enigmatic category, but generally includes gins that focus on juniper as the primary character, have little residual sugar, and are relatively light in alcohol and flavour.

To take a simple example, Hendricks is not a london dry, since it focuses on cucumber rather than juniper.

Gin at Damas

Nota Bene:

Before gin tonic terrace season, we will be expanding our Quebec gin selection. Presently we have Ungava, Romeo, and Barr Hill. We will probably be adding St. Laurent, Piger Henricus, and Canopée.

For now, here is our selection:


London Dry. Made in Britain. This is our well gin, and the gin used for the Aleppo Gin Sour cocktail.

This is a simple, classic gin, good with lemon or lime and tonic. Only 4 botanicals. Juniper heavy.


London Dry. Made in Britain. Staff favorite 😉.

Bombay is more complex than Tanqueray (more complex does not necessarily mean better) and less on the piney Juniper. It contains almonds, a variety of roots, bark, and licorice.

Named for Bombay as the destination of ships sailing for the West Indies. Not from India. Colonialism.


Hendricks is not London Dry. It’s from Scotland. It famously is infused with cucumber and rose petal in addition to juniper, coriander and citrus. Garnish with cucumber.

Tanqueray 10

Tanqueray’s big brother. No longer london dry. Flashier. MAJOR lemon lime citrus. Nice fruity martini withba twist or tonic w lime.

St. George Terroir

Amazing distillery in California. Made to resemble Oregon forests and it works. WOW. Smells like a conifer forest after spring rain: sweet pine and spruce. Takes juniper and goes wild. Beautiful. Maybe lime but doesn’t need a garnish.

Barr Hill

Distilled by our neighbors in Vermont with RAW HONEY! SWEET balanced and beautiful.

Romeo Gin

Vive le Gin Queb. Nice local product for Hendricks lovers because it has CUCUMBER. Also DILL LAVENDER LEMON AND ALMOND.


Un autre queb. Quebec Arctique. The gin is yellow due to the infusion of LABRADOR TEA and other northern botanicals.

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